Cultivating Thankfulness and Mindfulness

September 22, 2023 9:10 pm Published by

Changing seasons from Hot to Not As Hot (fall for non-native Texans) is the perfect time to reflect and add mindfulness to your daily routine. You’ve probably heard about mindfulness and practicing gratitude — both are excellent ways to reduce stress and improve your mood. Admittedly, mindfulness is a tough concept to grasp, but everyone can do it. It’s about living in the moment, enjoying each second of your life.

Mindfulness is being aware of what’s happening—inside and around you. We tend to live on “autopilot” without truly experiencing every minute. But if you think about it, don’t you want be fully present in every moment? Well, congratulations, you just practiced mindfulness! Now try to do that every moment, thinking about the good, bad, and mediocre—really experience everything. And do it without judgment or preconceived notions. There’s no “right” way to feel, and you have the power to shape your mindset and habits.

Mindfulness Science

Does this sound like a cheesy motivational gimmick? Yeah, we get that, but it’s actually science. Studies show mindfulness improves overall health by helping us manage stress, deal with illness, and reduce anxiety and depression. Being mindful can also help you relax, be happier, and improve self-esteem.

How can such a seemingly small change be so effective? Because what you think is what you are. The next time the internet goes out, instead of feeling annoyed, notice what’s going on around you. Really listen and lean into the world. What do you hear? What smells are in the air? How does your body feel? The goal is to develop better self-understanding and awareness of your surroundings.

But remember, this is a practice—at work, in traffic, waiting in line. Think about your breath, how your fingers feel on the keyboard, and what you hear. You’ll soon realize how often you focus on the past and future rather than the present. When you get sidetracked, bring yourself back to now. And know that distraction isn’t a failure. It’s how you deal with it that matters. That’s resilience—the ability to recover and learn rather than being upset or beating yourself up for making a mistake.


Being thankful is part of mindfulness. Stop to really think about it next time you say “thanks.” What are you grateful for? Think about it before you speak to effectively communicate your gratitude. Keeping a journal also helps with thankfulness. Add this to your routine to remember the good, accept the bad, and be thankful for both. Try listing three things you’re grateful for each day.

You can create the perfect place for reflection and gratitude in your new home at The Colony. You’ll be thankful each day for the home you selected and made yours and the beautiful life you live here.

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This post was written by Jennifer Haveman